Professor Steven Jones presented brand new and compelling evidence for the controlled demolition of the twin towers and WTC 7 recently, but the 9/11 debunkers and the corporate media are loathe to tackle it because it represents a slam dunk on proving the collapse of the buildings was a deliberate act of arson.Those of you who said it was thermite that took down the towers are only half correct. It turns out as Prof. Jones says that it was thermite added with sulfur to make thermate. Our government straight up blows and you don't need science to prove that
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Real Halo 3 update

Continuing my upcoming video game coverage. I want to share with you some halo 3 news. I've heard that some people in our school "beta'd" the game but here is more news. We've got new guns, weapons, vehicles, and more. And we also now have 4-player co-op. Here's a link and there's links in the link so here's the link
StarCraft 2

O how i remember being 8 years old. Those were good times. Probably a huge amount of those times were spent playing starcraft with my friends. The game was just straight up sick. Like i had played age of the empires but who wanted to sit around and get forage berries from a tree for hours at a time. Starcraft had aliens. And when you're young. anything with aliens beats anything with out aliens. Finally nine years later they are making a sequel. Starcraft 2 appears to be even better than the first one. It looks like they payed attention to the right places. One of the big problems i had with the third installments of these strategy games (AOEIII and WIII) is that while the graphics were upgraded beyond belief, the actual game play was only improved marginally. Looking at the screenshots for StarCraft 2 makes me think that more than just the graphics have been changed. And if I'm right, this game should totally dominate everything. Check it out
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Rain, Gadgets and Blue Jeans
Continuing my series of obsenely lame posts. Today i will continue to post on my amazing life. I'm still sick but the doctor gave me medecines to fix that so i'm drugged up but straight none the less. It's rainging out and rain blows. I was sitting in my backyard when the piece of shit rain had to come down and ruin me. So I decided to go in my shed, i'm sitting there on the phone when i hear something fucking tunneling inot my shed. That freaked me the fuck out, but i digress. I am in the need of a new cell phone. Since I am probably the biggest in the closet gadget freak you will ever know (yeah i know the ladies love it) I am hoping to grip my latin fingers around a nice chunk of tech. I'm hoping to buy a treo 700wv for verizon off of ebay because it turns out that if you get a phone new in box from ebay it's cheaper than buying it new in box from the vzw store. I shit you not. And as for the least important segment of my three part show for you today I need jeans. I hate buying jeans where everyone else does. I hate the idea of a "look" bought from a catalog or borrowed from one tree hill. I'm pretty straight on where to fit my upper body and feet. But for the sake of my life i can't find anything to cover that black ass of mine. Not that any of you will actually care, but i need somewhere to buy jeans, desperatly. ciao
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Marijuana does NOT cause cancer!!!

The largest study of its kind surprisingly finds that smoking marijuana, even frequently, does NOT cause cancer. With no realisitic overdose, no cancer, and no physical addiction, marijuana is now CLEARLY less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. LEGALIZE in '08 - and which candidates will do so: Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, and Ron Paul! VOTE OR DIE!!
UPDATE: Thanks to an anonymous commenter, another article has been brought to my attentnion, the government apparently knew about this in '74
another goood read
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