Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Playlist Changes + New Patch Info
I wanted to give you the heads up on a lot of cool changes coming to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer for the Xbox 360 in the month of December. Before you ask, there is no ETA on these changes, most are included in the upcoming patch, with all the playlists stuff happening independently at some point in the near future.
All of these changes are thanks to YOUR direct feedback and suggestions through forums, emails, IMing me personally, and any other way you managed to get your feedback to us. So what can you expect?
Multiplayer Playlist Changes:
The multiplayer playlists in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare are always evolving based on community feedback and stats we track behind the scenes. We're focused on constantly keeping the game fresh and tweaking it based on your feedback, so expect the following Playlist changes to be hitting soon:
Team Deathmatch
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
Mercenary Team Deathmatch
* Brand New Playlists: No Clans / Parties allowed.
* Players who don't want to be matchmade with clans (or people in parties) can team up with fellow lone wolves and play some TDM.
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
* Score Limit Change: 100 Points
* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.
Ground War
* No changes.
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.
Search and Destroy
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
Team Tactical
* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.
Hardcore Team Deathmatch
* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Team Deathmatch Only
* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
Hardcore Search and Destroy
* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Search and Destroy Only
* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
Old School
* Rule Set Change: Free-for-All Only w/ Old School Rules
* Increased Health (slightly)
* No Health Re-gen
* Score Limit Change: 100 points
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
Cage Match
* Rule Set Change: No Longer Old School Mode
* 1 v 1: Normal Rules
* Map Added to Rotation: Countdown - now availalbe in map rotation
* Map Added to Rotation: District - now available in map rotation
* Playlist Removed
Team Objective
* Playlist Removed
* All gametypes included now available individually.
Upcoming Patch Updates (Seperate from above Playlist changes):
Addition of Host Migration
* If Host of lobby leaves, all players will be deposited back to the lobby where next best host will be selected before new game restarts. Players will no longer be kicked out of game entirely.
Improved Network Performance For Larger Games
* 18 player games now require more bandwidth to host, resulting in smoother performance for players.
Optimized Server Selection for First Match
* Server selection is now optimized to select best bandwidth servers associated by LSP.
Updated Spectator "Chase Cam"
* Change Spectator Mode: Switch between First Person and Third Person.
* 360 Degree rotation around character you're spectating.
Fixed "Playlist Older Than Host" Error
* Player will no longer get error when entering games.
Optimized Corrupt Create-a-Class Handling
* Players will no longer be kicked from game when their create-a-class data is corrupted.
Added Kill Cam To Everything
* Kill Cam view Added: Air Strike Bombs (Follows bomb from plane to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Grenades (Follows frag from hand to ground, then rotates to view target)
* Kill Cam view Added: RPGs (Follows RPG from launch to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: M203 Rounds (Follows round from launcher to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Claymores (Views from behind claymore until explosion)
* Kill Cam view Added: C4 Packs (View from pack rotating to watch target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Martrdom (View from grenade rotating to watch target)
Optimized Old School Experience
* Added Unlimited Sprint
* Doubled Magazine Size
* Added Ragdoll Cam
Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps
* Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.
Optimized Sniper Rifle / ACOG Scope Accuracy
* Sniper Rifles and ACOG scope accuracy improved due to fix.
Fixed Weapon Sprint Bug
* Bug which gave players more sprint when using particular weapons.
Thanks again for your constant feedback and support of the game, keep in mind that playlists are constantly evolving, so everything is subject to change based on feedback and results. If we feel something isn't fun or based on your feedback we'll continue to change it up and I'll continue to keep you in the loop.
Thanks everyone.
(The Playlist changes apply to both the 360 and the PS3 versions, but the PS3 will have different patch changes)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Really thinking about how i didn't win the 350 million dollar lotto the other week really brings me down. Luckily for me I ran across this video on break and it really didn't make me feel any better.
Lottery Spending Spree - Watch more free videos
Lottery Spending Spree - Watch more free videos
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Cut Steak with a Laser and Make a Vegan Angel Lose its Wings

Knives are so passé—it's time for us to be able to make steak with a lightsaber. The guys over at Instructables have put together a tutorial on how to cut and make a delicious steak with a laser—or, more specifically, how to cut the words "PETA" out of a delicious steak with a laser and then cook the letters to consume PETA's courage. -via engadget
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Pastor had sex with daughters to teach them to be good wives
A fundamentalist church pastor had sex with two of his teenage daughters to educate them on how to be good wives, a South Australian court has heard. The man told the court the sex was not about fulfilling his desires but about teaching his daughters how to behave for their husbands when they eventually married, as dictated in scripture.
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read more | digg story
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Girl's Feet Cut Off At Six Flags

Police confirmed that a girl's feet have been cut off at Six Flags' Kentucky Kingdom....
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Lady teacher accused of having sex with student who was dating her daughter
A middle school teacher in Prescott, Wis. has been fired and the Pierce County Sheriff is investigating claims she had sex with a 13-year-old student. The 38-year-old woman was a substitute at Prescott Middle School.The student's father said he found the two having a middle of the night rendezvous together at the teacher's home.Lucky...
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read more | digg story
Friday, June 1, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
9/11 Debunkers Hide From Slam Dunk Evidence Of Controlled Demolition
Professor Steven Jones presented brand new and compelling evidence for the controlled demolition of the twin towers and WTC 7 recently, but the 9/11 debunkers and the corporate media are loathe to tackle it because it represents a slam dunk on proving the collapse of the buildings was a deliberate act of arson.Those of you who said it was thermite that took down the towers are only half correct. It turns out as Prof. Jones says that it was thermite added with sulfur to make thermate. Our government straight up blows and you don't need science to prove that
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Real Halo 3 update

Continuing my upcoming video game coverage. I want to share with you some halo 3 news. I've heard that some people in our school "beta'd" the game but here is more news. We've got new guns, weapons, vehicles, and more. And we also now have 4-player co-op. Here's a link and there's links in the link so here's the link
StarCraft 2

O how i remember being 8 years old. Those were good times. Probably a huge amount of those times were spent playing starcraft with my friends. The game was just straight up sick. Like i had played age of the empires but who wanted to sit around and get forage berries from a tree for hours at a time. Starcraft had aliens. And when you're young. anything with aliens beats anything with out aliens. Finally nine years later they are making a sequel. Starcraft 2 appears to be even better than the first one. It looks like they payed attention to the right places. One of the big problems i had with the third installments of these strategy games (AOEIII and WIII) is that while the graphics were upgraded beyond belief, the actual game play was only improved marginally. Looking at the screenshots for StarCraft 2 makes me think that more than just the graphics have been changed. And if I'm right, this game should totally dominate everything. Check it out
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Rain, Gadgets and Blue Jeans
Continuing my series of obsenely lame posts. Today i will continue to post on my amazing life. I'm still sick but the doctor gave me medecines to fix that so i'm drugged up but straight none the less. It's rainging out and rain blows. I was sitting in my backyard when the piece of shit rain had to come down and ruin me. So I decided to go in my shed, i'm sitting there on the phone when i hear something fucking tunneling inot my shed. That freaked me the fuck out, but i digress. I am in the need of a new cell phone. Since I am probably the biggest in the closet gadget freak you will ever know (yeah i know the ladies love it) I am hoping to grip my latin fingers around a nice chunk of tech. I'm hoping to buy a treo 700wv for verizon off of ebay because it turns out that if you get a phone new in box from ebay it's cheaper than buying it new in box from the vzw store. I shit you not. And as for the least important segment of my three part show for you today I need jeans. I hate buying jeans where everyone else does. I hate the idea of a "look" bought from a catalog or borrowed from one tree hill. I'm pretty straight on where to fit my upper body and feet. But for the sake of my life i can't find anything to cover that black ass of mine. Not that any of you will actually care, but i need somewhere to buy jeans, desperatly. ciao
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Marijuana does NOT cause cancer!!!

The largest study of its kind surprisingly finds that smoking marijuana, even frequently, does NOT cause cancer. With no realisitic overdose, no cancer, and no physical addiction, marijuana is now CLEARLY less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. LEGALIZE in '08 - and which candidates will do so: Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, and Ron Paul! VOTE OR DIE!!
UPDATE: Thanks to an anonymous commenter, another article has been brought to my attentnion, the government apparently knew about this in '74
another goood read
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Friday, April 27, 2007
Useless Facts!!

I come across a lot of these, "top ten___" or "the ten funnest _____s you can fit in a woman's _______'' lists. Most of them are just completely horrible and make me really hate myself for wasting my hard earned time reading them. This one i found was actually pretty interesting. I expected it to be useless because the title says it is. That being read, I was prepared for the worst. Still, against my gut I read it. Honestly it was a decently entertaining yet useless read check it out
if any of you 2.5 people find any not so true facts, leave a comment
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Little Landlord FTL
Not gunna lie this might be the greatest video ever created by Will Ferrel or possibly any other human ever. ..."i want my money now bitch!"
Monday, April 9, 2007
In my eternal quest to assist all of you on your journey to become half as bad ass as I am with the flu, I've come across a beat boxing tutorial for your learning pleasure. I honestly thought that beat boxing was one of those talents that you are either born with or you'll die without. The interesting thing is that the sounds that most wannabes (me included) try to use are not the correct standard beat boxing noises. As the tutorial shows, there are certain sounds to use and it even points us beginners in a good direction with starter beats and cool ways to make your friends jealous and impress the ladies. After researching this vocal discipline for almost half the day, i still can't come to think of how the really good beat boxers can blend and mess noises together and even do whole songs with lyrics and background tracks. here is the tutorial
Also, apparently franch beatboxers are the best? so here is a video of a downright amazing one.
Also, apparently franch beatboxers are the best? so here is a video of a downright amazing one.
Now that this video got me thinking, all i ever really do is post videos on this thing. I should really switch to putting insightful things on here. Anyway i was looking on teh internets when i found Dewey's (from Malcolm in the middle) epiphany on god. Enjoy
Friday, April 6, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
GUMBALL 2007 !!!

At time of posting gumball starts in 24 days. IMO it is the best "rally" (not a race) in existence. Every year they change the route but if I'm not mistaken its a 3000 mile checkpoint to checkpoint rally that includes everything from racers to celebrities to eccentrics of all sorts. My favorite car that competes is the Polizei 144 BMW M5 interceptor. What's cool about the guys who drive it is that they outfit it like a different police car every year. Here is a video of their antics..
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Ill Mitch
I've been following Ill Mitch for a few years now. i always thought he would just die off but his shit is on itunes and he just started a vblog. Here is the first episode, it just debuted this week.
Friday, March 30, 2007
That's pretty underground
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Don't Watch This?
Apparently, watching stuff for free is illegal? Well that's what Viacom says about youtube having comedy central clips on it. So is watching this illegal? Are there cops on the way to your house right now? Am I going to stop asking questions? Only time will tell?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
300 (the pg version)
This is a bit late considering everyone in the entire world has seen the movie 300, and quite frankly if you haven't you should just end you're meaningless existence. But anyway Matt sent me this to post on the blog because he is too mentally disabled to remember his password to log in. That leads me to my next point. If you think you are worth a sh*t enough to post on my glorious blog, just hit me up someway. And if you don't have my contact info, my number is 911, ask for the stalker department. So without further adieu, here is the pg version of three hundred.
300 - The PG Remix - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!
300 - The PG Remix - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
STFU mac users
Yeah, so all of these mac users are always talking about they are somehow better than (us) pc users. Honestly, they really aren't.IMO most that i have encountered are acually major POS's. Enough with the acronyms. Long story short, get off your high horses mac users and realize that you aren't as chic as the commercials tell you that you are. Article after the jump.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
due to breaking news of a rival piece of shit trying to get on my turf, i am going to be posting a lot more for the viewing pleasure of the 3.3 people who actually read this blog.
f*ck you Regan farell
ps. i'm not scared, you're scared
f*ck you Regan farell
ps. i'm not scared, you're scared
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Make your own sex phone hotline!
Skype is trying to make a service where you can set up a pay to use number. Where people pay you to talk to them. This can only lead to bad bad things
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read more | digg story
Monday, March 5, 2007
Clever Way to steal at an airport
This kind of stuff sometimes really makes me want to become a professional thief. They make it look so easy
Monday, February 26, 2007
Beer launching Fridge
For those of us who are too lazy get up to get our own drinks, combo fridge catapult flings your juice right at your couch so you don't have to get up from playing final fantasy all day to hydrate yourself
The Hole - video powered by Metacafe
The Hole - video powered by Metacafe
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
mencia blows almost as much as dane cock?
Noticing that Dane Cock has been stealing material, i figured i should see if other comedians are just as shitty people. Look who's the "dindidy" now muthaf*cka
Mtv from 1983
...with commercials and all. Remember kids, make sure you call your cable companies so you can get MTV in STEREO SOUND!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Dane Cook can suck my juicy black nuts.. He's the worst comedian ever and i happen to come across this on my adventure across the World Wide Web and thought i would share it with the zero diffrent people who look at this..
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Lock Picking #2
How to crack a combination lock
How to crack a combination lock.
I have seen a lot of these tutorials on the Internet but i actually tried this one and it's the fastest and it actually works. I'm going to tell you how to get all of the numbers. 1st number: Pull on the handle part(the part that pops open) not too hard that the knob won't move but put pressure. While pulling on it, turn the knob to the left until it won't move anymore. Then add 5 to that number. that is the first number. 2nd number: Ok, spin the dial around a couple of times, then go to the 1st number you got, then turn it to the right, bypassing the 1st number once. WHEN you have bypassed. Start pulling on the handle and turn the knob. It will eventually fall into a groove and lock. While its in the groove turn the knob, if it's loose turn till it locks again. Keep testing the looseness until it's really locked in a groove; that is now your second number. 3rd number: Spin the dial a few times. Then enter your two newly acquired numbers. Then turn to the right and pull at all the numbers in order. It WILL open at one IF you did it right. This kinda information is when makes me keep my wallet ipod and cellphone in my gym shorts when i wear them. HAVE FUN
Friday, February 2, 2007
I made one...
I have been meaning to get a blog going for a while. The thing is that i never have anything to put on it. I still dont, but who cares
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